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Zenfinex Global Limited regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) of Seychelles (SD092)

Take Charge of Your Trading

Enhance your trading journey with the Vantage app. Execute, analyse and monitor trades seamlessly using real-time charting and an intuitive interface that makes trading simple for everyone!

Get Started Fast

Simply download the Vantage app, link it to your ST7 account and start trading in just a few clicks.

Trade On the Go

The Vantage app lets you easily make trades whenever and wherever you want for ultimate accessibility.

Access 1500+ assets

Harness the power of the Vantage app to easily build a diverse portfolio and customisable watchlists that includes Forex, Shares, Indices, Commodities, Metals and Cryptos.

Global Support

Put Vantage's worldwide, multilingual customer support in the palm of your hand and easily find solutions to your problems when you need them.

Powerful Trading
At Your Fingertips 

Trade like a pro, no matter your experience! The Vantage app seamlessly delivers everything traders of all levels need for fast, reliable and more informed trades.

Your Custom Portfolio

Choose from more than 1500 assets! Easily organize and monitor your unique portfolio anywhere and anytime.

Clear Charting

Our easy-to-understand charting system demystifies complex financial data so you can easily understand and react to price shifts & market events like never before!

Manage Your Risks

Get the critical information you need to assess your portfolio & potential trades so you can understand and evaluate risks.

Intuitive & User-Friendly

The Vantage app makes trading simple! Analyse, monitor and trade assets quickly & easily no matter where you are or how experienced you are with trading. 

Take Charge of Your Trades

Download the Vantage app and
start trading today.